Jeff Weeks ئاپەکان

4D Draw
Jeff Weeks
4D Draw is a simple vector-graphics appthat lets you draw 4‑dimensional figures. It represents eachpoint's first three coordinates in the usual way, while using colorto represent the fourth coordinate. A built-in Help menu includes a“How to draw” page for an easy start, followed by a page of “4Dconstruction ideas” to set you on your way towards visualizing4-dimensional space.4D Draw is intended for geometry students who want to learnto visualize 4‑dimensional space. People looking for a morerecreational introduction to 4D should begin with 4D Maze instead.People looking for an even more recreational introduction to modernconcepts of space and symmetry may enjoy the Torus Games orKaleidoPaint.Keywords: 4D, 4-dimensional, drawing, vector graphics, geometry,visualization, hyperspace, 4-space
Torus Games
Jeff Weeks
Eight familiar games introduce children ages10 and up to the mind-stretching possibility of a “multiconnecteduniverse”. Games include: tic-tac-toe, mazes, crossword puzzles,word search puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, chess, pool and gomoku. Whileplaying the games, kids develop an intuitive visual understandingof a model universe that is finite yet has no boundary. Players whomaster the games in 2D may enjoy the extra challenge of solving 3Dmazes and playing 3D tic-tac-toe in multiconnected 3D spaces. Eventhough the games were designed with kids in mind, adults interestedin topology, geometry and cosmology have also found them enjoyableand enlightening.Keywords: geometry, games, topology, torus, Klein bottle, 3D, maze,crossword, word search, jigsaw, chess, pool, tic-tac-toe
4D Maze
Jeff Weeks
Drag the slider to the goal, following tubesthat snake around in four dimensions. 4D Maze draws the firstthree dimensions in the usual way, while using color to representthe fourth dimension. Keywords: maze, 4D, 4-dimensional, labyrinth
Jeff Weeks
As you draw, KaleidoPaint mirrorsyourbrushstrokes to create a beautiful infinitely repeating design.Image Gallery: 17 symmetry patterns- Scroll, rotate, zoom- Curve smoothing- Area fill- Reshape and recolor any dot, line or area- Unlimited Undo/Redo- Export your favorite paintings to the Photos appScreenshots by Carmen Meléndez-LugoKeywords: paint, draw, symmetry, wallpaper,pattern,kaleidoscope, Escher, art, Kali, tessellation, tiling